karen allnutt administration assistant

friendly, accommodating, resourceful

I worked in computer graphics as a designer till the late 90s and was then drawn back to the family practice.  I have been working in accounting firms ever since.

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my story

Well, where do I start?  Forced to work for my Father’s accounting practice back in 1987 (after failing Accounting at school, I suspect!), I was lucky enough to be introduced to computers.

With my flair for art and my newfound fascination with computers, I went on to study Graphic Design at Perth Tafe.

I worked in computer graphics as a designer till the late 90s and was then drawn back to the family practice. I have been working in accounting firms ever since

I’ve been at BSN & Co since February 2015 and have to say it is one of the nicest and friendliest workplaces I have ever worked in.  Not a grumpy accountant in sight!

At BSN my role is to assist the lovely Deborah and Michelle in various administrative duties.  Oh, and help Kevin too!

When I’m not at work I like to spend time with my children, go to my local gym and catch up with friends.  I’m not really into the footy, but as most of the staff here are, I guess it’s only a matter of time… as the saying goes, if you can’t beat them, join them!

the rest of the team