The Jobkeeper package is a $1,500/fortnight wage subsidy for employers in respect of employees who suffer a reduction in work or are stood aside as a result of the COVID-19 economic slowdown and is backdated for employees stood aside from jobs since 1 March 2020.
Eligible are businesses which have had a reduction of income of 30% or more since March 2020 over a minimum comparable one month period. Employers will be able to apply for the $1,500 payment for each employee on its books on 1 March 2020, and the payment will then need to be given to employees.
Commencement will be 30 March 2020 with jobkeeper payments to be received by businesses by the first week of May, and payments made now to be reimbursed from the first week in May.
Businesses include companies, trusts, partnerships, sole traders, not for profits and charities.
Employees eligible are full time, part time employees including stood down employees and casual employees who have been with their employer for at least the previous twelve months. Self-employed individuals are also eligible.
Australian residents, New Zealand citizens in Australia who hold a subclass 444 special category visa, and migrants who are eligible for the Jobkeeper Payment or Youth Allowance (other) are all eligible for the Jobkeeper Payment.
Employers must register an intention to apply for JobKeeper payments on the ATO website