Have you received distressing phone calls regarding your taxation affairs?

Several of our clients have recently been subjected to aggressive, even threatening, telephone scam attempts by persons purporting to represent the Australian Taxation Office.  In each case, the conduct of the scammer was quite distressing to our clients with accusations of fraud and immediate legal sanctions which could only be overcome by a significant payment!  There had been no previous approach or correspondence, and these clients were up to date with lodgements, had no outstanding tax returns and had no amounts owing on their income tax and/or integrated client accounts with the ATO.  We were able to assure our clients that the ATO most certainly did not conduct business in that manner and if there was any further contact, the caller should simply be referred to us, the tax agent.

In our role as tax agent we are the first point of call for the ATO in any circumstances relevant to our clients’ taxation affairs.   Further, the ATO has a disciplined and lengthy process which it follows, so there will never be a direct, initial call to any taxpayer on our tax agent’s listing.  Also, as your tax agent, we have online access to the ATO income tax and integrated client accounts in your name, hence any allegations of monies owing can be instantly refuted.

In the event that you receive such a call, refer the caller to us on 08 9204 3733

